About Allison O'Shea

Allison O’Shea has been writing stories, poetry, and plays from a young age, and has always been an avid reader. Her deep love of books led her family to have a “no reading at the table” rule to make sure she would stop reading long enough to participate in the dinner conversation!

In 2017, she self-published her first novel, ‘Big Sky Heart’, and has added an additional five books since. She writes women’s fiction and contemporary romance, focusing on the personal, emotional journeys women encounter on their way towards finding love.

For stories focused on women working through personal struggles on their way towards finding love, you should check out ‘A Path Between Dreams’, which follows the director of a dog shelter who can’t seem to fully escape the nightmares of her past. ‘Big Sky Heart’ is another emotional story about Emma Ward, a woman trying to find the courage to follow her dreams.

If you’re looking for stories with a supernatural twist, you might enjoy the Layna Wood series, beginning with ‘Petrified Wood’. This series follows country singer Layna as she balances a career and the interest of a hunky cop, all while discovering and managing powers within herself that she’d never known.

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